1. Personal Library

Think of Personal Library as, well, your virtual personal library. The app helps you document all of the books on your bookshelves. You can do so manually, adding in the title, author, publisher, and whatever other information you would like to remember, such as whether a book is in paperback or hardcover. Alternatively, you can scan the ISBN. Once everything’s added, you can browse manually or search for specific titles. The app doesn’t cost a thing to use, and it’s free of ads.

2. My Library

If you need all of your apps to sport Material Design, My Library delivers. This brown-colored app can pull in novels from your Google Books account, but you’re also able to manually add texts or scan books directly. You’re able to organize your library into shelves with the default options keeping track of which books you’ve read, which you haven’t, and what you’re reading now. It could be just what you need to prevent a book from rotting away forgotten in the corner of your room. But if you want to keep track of as much information on each book as you can, this free app isn’t the one for you.

3. Book Catalogue

Book Catalogue is another option that’s starting to show its age, but while the interface is unapologetically barebones, the background image provides it with a bit of charm. As for functionality, much of what has been said above can be repeated here. You can even keep track of whether a book has been autographed, when you started reading, and when you finished. There’s space to leave general notes without having to mark up your book’s margins. The app is free to use, but if you fall in love with it, there’s a place inside to send the developer a donation.

What’s Your Favorite Cataloging Method?

What organizing method do you use to keep your life in order? Maybe you manage a spreadsheet, keep a notebook, or even just resort to sticky notes. Android apps can be the ideal mix of convenience and versatility that make them worth checking out. Let me know how it goes, and if you already have a recommendation of your own that I haven’t mentioned, please share it with us below.