Just like speed dial, Tidy Favorites allows you to keep a thumbnail of your favorite sites on a custom page so that you can click and access the site easily. In addition, you can drag the thumbnail and place it in wherever you like and resize it to your preference. You might want to create a big thumbnail for the site that you frequent the most and a small one for the one that you seldom visit. You can even select a particular region of the site as the thumbnail image. If one page is not enough for you, you can create tabs and folders to store your bookmarks. In short, there are tons of things that you can do here and it is really up to your creativity how you want to get it done.

One thing that I like about Tidy Favorites is that regardless of which browser you use, you get the same set of bookmarks throughout. For example, if you add a new thumbnail bookmark in Firefox, Tidy Favorites will backup the bookmark to its database. When you open Opera, it will show the same set of bookmark that you saved in Firefox. As such, there is no need for you to import/export your bookmarks from one browser to another. Click to enlarge At the moment, Tidy Favorites only support IE, Firefox and Opera. Some caveats On the first run, Tidy Favorites will scan your history and automatically create a series of thumbnail of the sites that you have previously visited. I kind of dislike this function since it created a list of thumbnails that I don’t like and I have to manually removed them. I would prefer it to generate the thumbnails based on the internal bookmarks that I have saved all over the years as that is really where my favorite sites are stored. Secondly, this application only works in Windows. I would hope that it works in Mac and Linux too. If Firefox and Opera can be cross-platform, I don’t see any reason why this application can’t, especially when it is just a simple Firefox extension. If the developers can fix up the above issues, I am sure this will become a very handy bookmarking tool, especially for those for use several browsers in their line of work.