E-commerce is a staple for most modern businesses. Part of selling on the Web is the need for a seemingly endless stream of advertising banners that promote special offers, sales, competitions and other transient things that keep your business in front of the public’s eyeballs. You could make them yourself to save time and money, but this can look unprofessional unless you have some design skills. Paying designers to make bespoke banners is the best way for businesses to present themselves well on the Web, but what if you can’t afford it? Templates and clip art just won’t cut it. Now there’s a web service that puts quick and simple plug-and-play promotional graphic design into the hands of non-designers, in a form that’s customisable by anyone.

Web Banner Engine

Picmote has over 1000 smart promotional graphic templates, covering all seasons and a range of styles, and lets you customise them by replacing or tweaking every single element of the design. The interface is simple to use and lets you change fonts, choose design elements like images and text from a gallery, or choose your own graphics and photography.

The app creates four distinct types of promotional graphics: Banner, Social Post (in Twitter and Facebook graphic sizes), advertisement, and product thumbnail. The banner and social post are self-explanatory and worth the price of admission alone, but you also have advert templates in a huge range of sizes and product thumbnail templates as well. These are the little boxes containing products in a grid on your web store. Getting the design right for these graphics makes all the difference between customers passing over your graphic and clicking on it. Picmote makes this easy right out of the box.

Smart Banners for All

If you run a business that sells anything on the Web, then you need a lot of banners. For social media advertising special offers or sales, you need to generate banners all the time. The thing is they need to be different each time. Customers get to know your advertising, and they become blind to it once they’ve seen the ad a few times.

This is where Picmote comes in to create or freshen your banners each time they go out on social media, making it look like your business has its own design team, which in a manner of speaking with Picmote, you do.

If you’re a craftsperson selling things you make, or an Internet marketer selling information products, or even a massive web store selling everything, Picmote helps you present a fresh face to the world with inviting and clickable promotional graphics that look professionally made.

Impressive Range

The major benefit of this web app is that it’s very smart. It has templates in all the basic formats you will need: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram images, Lazada promotional images and Facebook and Google ads. But it can also can create custom-sized designs from a range of templates which work at those sizes. Most users will be using the default size templates, but it’s good to know if you get a request for an odd-sized promotional graphic that you can deliver it quickly and professionally.

The templates are really fun and fresh in their design, and the range of moods, seasons and styles is impressive. All graphics share a common DNA, so all the different graphics will not look out of place on the same page or site. But they can be made different enough with tweaking so that they are not too similar or repetitive. Picmote has ploughed a lot of effort into providing you tons of choices, with more being added through time. There are not many cons to this service. There’s only so much you can do with customising before you break the design of course, but if you use taste and don’t fiddle too much, the result will always be pleasing.

And, of course, it’s a web app, so you need Internet access to use it, but you can save your designs to the app for use next time you log in.


You can use Picmote by signing up for a free account which allows you to design your graphics and download them, but the downloads are watermarked unless you pay for them. The good news is that to download an unwatermarked banner only costs $1. It’s amazing value for what is basically an unlimited amount of banners. It’s a great service, and we urge you to check it out to see if it’s something that’s going to be of use to your business or brand. As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section below.