One of the changes you’re going to see is the “Upload” button being replaced by an arrow pointing up. You will also notice a more up-to-date font, round buttons and a better layout for a lot of pages. Google is also going to throw in a little something extra. Now the search bar and other items will change their color, so the color matches the scheme of whatever site you decide to visit. We are always going to find some things not to like, but the new look that is coming to YouTube is not bad at all. I think that the cleaner look is going to be a hit with YouTubers.

How to Activate the New Material Design on Google

  1. To enable the upcoming material design on YouTube, you will need to go to YouTube for the United States and not your local YouTube.

  2. Press “Ctrl + Shift+ i.”

  3. Click on Resources. Depending on the computer you are using, you may see resources without having to click on anything, but if you don’t see it, click on the double right arrow, and it should appear like in the image below.

  4. Click on Cookies followed by the YouTube domain.

  5. Look for the cookie that says “VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE” and delete it.

  6. Once you are done deleting the specified cookie, go back to console and type in: When you are done with the last step, refresh YouTube, and you should now see the new design. For now there are only a small number of users that are enjoying the new design without having to turn to these steps, but so far there is no exact date as to when the rest of us will be able to see it. Don’t worry if you don’t see all of the changes other users may comment about since it’s still in testing and we all know how things work when something is being tested out.


I just can’t wait until the new YouTube design goes live since it is going to bring a change that is long overdue. Don’t forget to let us know in the comments what you think of the YouTube material design and what changes you would like the final version to have.