Although there may be a number of DNS servers available for the public to use, the guide below illustrates how you can use two of the popular DNS servers – Google DNS and OpenDNS – on your Mac. If you plan to use a server other than these two, then you can easily do so by just adding the server addresses of your DNS instead of the ones mentioned in the following guide.

Setting Up Third Party DNS on your Mac:

  1. First, click on the Apple icon available on the top-left corner on your screen followed by “System Preferences”. That is where you can configure all the settings for your machine, including the DNS server settings.

  2. From the main interface of the screen, click on “Network.” It lets you modify your network settings.

  3. You should now be on a screen which shows all the network connections your machine has, including your WiFi Adapter, Bluetooth, Thunderbolt, etc. Click on your current WiFi network. Then, hit the “Advanced” button located in the bottom-right corner.

  4. The next tabbed screen has options for you to modify your current network settings. Just click on the tab that says “DNS”.

  5. Here is where you can edit or add new DNS servers. If you have any previously added DNS servers, remove them by selecting them and clicking the – (minus sign) given below.

  6. Once you have cleaned-up all of your old servers, add a new one by clicking + (the plus sign). Here are the DNS Servers you can use: Google DNS


When you have entered a server address, just hit Enter. 7. Click the “OK” button given beneath the servers box, and you should be all set. From now on, your Mac will use the DNS servers specified by you in the Network Settings above to resolve any IP addresses.

Checking If You’ve Properly Set Up The Servers

If you would like to check whether your new DNS servers have been properly set up or not, follow the steps given below. For OpenDNS users, go to their test page to find out if your servers are working fine. For Google DNS, head to the page located over here, and it should let you test your new servers. If tests say your servers are working fine, you are good to go and will be able to browse the web much faster than ever before.


Having your Mac configured to work with these third-party DNS severs lets you enhance your everyday web surfing experience on your Mac. Do let us know how it works for you!