Luckily, there are a few easy workarounds that let you copy and paste from any website you want.

1. Disable JavaScript in your Browser

There are many websites that use JavaScript to disable right-click use on a website. By disabling JavaScript for the site, you can restore the use of right-click and copy-and-paste. Do note that disabling JavaScript can also affect other functions of a website that can prevent some images or embeds from loading. Go back to the website you want to copy text from, and hopefully, the copy-paste functionality will be restored.

2. Copy Content from Source Code

If a website allows right-clicking but does not let you select text and media, this method comes in very handy.

3. Select from Inspect Element

Inspect Element is a very useful tool built in to almost every web browser. It allows you to look under the hood of every website and access its source code. Follow these steps to use Inspect Element to copy text from a website.

4. Screenshot and Convert to Text

Another easy way to copy text from a website is to simply take a screenshot of the web page and convert it into text using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) applications.

5. Print to PDF

This option is viable if you want to save the whole web page for further use and not just a portion of its text. It is easy and has many use cases.

6. Browser Extensions

If you’ve recently stumbled upon a website that doesn’t allow you to right-click, you can install an extension in your browser to bring that functionality back. We are using the “Enable Right-Click for Google Chrome” extension for this example.

1. Why do websites prevent copying from them?

If a person can simply copy the content of a website and paste it on their own, it will hurt the original creator of that content. Aside from that, this practice also discourages the creation of original content on the Internet. For this reason, website creators prohibit you from copying content from their websites.

Until and unless the person who is trying to copy the content has been specifically allowed by the original creator, they cannot copy it. Any original piece of content uploaded on the Internet is protected by the DMCA copyright laws. Reposting someone else’s content as your own violates this law. The person misrepresenting the data can be charged for any damages that their action has caused to the original creator of the content.

3. How do I copy and paste content from websites without plagiarizing?

Although it’s best to write original content, sometimes we all need some. There are many ways to avoid plagiarism. Here are a few:

Credit the original source

Paraphrase content in your own words

Elaborate on the original content and add more value from your end

Use online plagiarism checking tools to make sure your content is original

Use a different writing tone.

Image Credit: Flickr