Now, starting with OS X El Capitan, Apple has introduced a new method that lets you skip the trash can while deleting files from within Finder. The method is quite easy as well, not requiring that much effort, as detailed below:

  1. Open up a Finder window, and navigate to the specific file(s) that you want to delete.

  2. Select the file, and hold down the Option key on your keyboard.

  3. While pressing the Option key, navigate to File (located in the top left corner of your window), and select Delete Immediately.

Doing this will allow you to permanently delete this file, completely bypassing the Trash Can. If you want to increase your workflow even more, just simply select the file and press “Option + Command + Delete” on your keyboard, which will allow you to do the same action even faster. That’s a handy tip I think will be useful for many people. Let me know if you have any questions or comments in the section below.