Cloudii for Android allows users to manage multiple cloud storage services from a single dashboard. It even allows you to synchronize different folders on your smartphone to the selected service. Currently, the application supports Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive and Box.

Setup Cloudii to Manage Multiple Cloud Storage Services

Find Cloudii at the Google Play Store and download it onto your Android device. Make sure your device is running Android 4.0 or higher for the application to work properly. To get started, launch the application, and it will show you all the supported services. Select the one you want to use and authorize Cloudii to access it.

After authorization, it will show you the account details including your username and available space. You can add more services by clicking the “+” icon.

Using Cloudii

Let’s take a look at some of the features offered by Cloudii. Swipe from left to right or hit the Menu button in the top ribbon. It will bring up the sidebar where it will show all the options such as connected services, files and folders, synchronization options and settings.

Click on any connected service for it to show all the saved files. Users can download files to the phone and vice versa. Items can also be marked as Favorites so that they can be accessed easily later from the Favorites tab.

You can also set up folder synchronization links with any service. For example, if you wants to make sure all the pictures that are saved in your Gallery are uploaded to Dropbox or vice versa, you can set up a synchronization link and connect your Dropbox account and your local folder. It also supports two-way synchronization, so anything changes in your Dropbox folder will be downloaded to your phone as well. This app allows you to set up multiple synchronization links for each service with different names for easy tracking.

You can even protect your privacy by password-protecting the application from the settings. Other options include enabling/disabling use over mobile data and online backup. The Online Backup feature allows you to back up your account data and configuration options for all your accounts on Cloudii servers so that they can be restored on any other Android device or the same device.

Is it free?

The Cloudii application is only free for fourteen days, after which the user must buy the app as an in-app purchase. However, there is no mention of the price you need to pay. According to the developer: Does that sound like a good deal to you?


Cloudii is a useful Android application for managing multiple cloud storage services. The developers have stated they will add more cloud storage services in the newer version. Which other cloud services do you hope to see in this app? Feel free to share your views in the comments area below if you have tried Cloudii for Android. Image Credit: Storage