The default view is a weekly calendar which you can fill in with three elements: event, task or note. Just drag the element to your desired date and edit the details by clicking on the pencil icon. In this case, I’m creating an event. A pop up box allows you to enter more details about the event such as start and end time and reminder settings.

Once the element is edited, you can simply mouse over to view additional options – such as editing, moving and deleting. If you want to move the element into another day, simply mouse over, click on the Move icon and drag it to the new date. With the example below, an event opened a new window to add the details such as duration and reminder settings.

The same drag-and-drop applies to adding the other elements – task and note. However, a task will have a tick box under it when hovering the mouse pointer. Once the task is done, you can check this box. The text also turns lighter for completed tasks.

A note can be added right under an event or task. Notes can be anything you type or copy from another source. The entire text is shown when creating a note.

Another handy feature of this app is Voice Input. Add any element and simply click on the mic icon and start recording. Just be sure to speak loud and clear so the app captures it correctly. Although this is a nice add-on, speech recognition may not always be accurate.

You can also customize the look and feel of the app by clicking on the Configuration icon on the top right corner. There are several color themes to choose from.

To switch to month view, click on the calendar icon on the top right. The month is indicated below. Each day will show three boxes signifying each element – event, task or note and how many is created for that day. Clicking on a date will take you to that date’s column, back in week view.

If you get lost and want a quick tutorial, you can always click on the Help icon on the top right corner. This tutorial includes how to use the keyboard to navigate the around the calendar. For a quick time management solution, My Time Organizer works perfectly and looks great – all while sitting comfortably in your browser.