Sleipnir Has The Look

The interface fits right in with the system and the overall Mac interface we are used to. Your tabs, bookmarks, and other controls are at the top, the center is restricted to your browser experience. At the top left, you have the star which allows you to create your bookmarks. Next to this, you have the tabs which are way more visual than what we are used to. The far top right shows you the website you are currently at. The interface as a whole makes sure that your viewing experience is cleaner than ever, that means there isn’t an address bar lying around and getting in the way. If you find yourself panicked, just press “Command + L” to view the bar.

Sleipnir has Great Tabs

As you know, the tabs section is the biggest part of Sleipnir. This is what draws many individuals toward going with Sleipnir. The tabs, as mentioned before, are more visual, rather than just stagnant text under an address bar. Sleipnir’s focus on making tabs visual is actually a good thing. When you think about it, you use bookmarks, favorites, and tiles more than actually having to enter in an address bar. Instead of having the bar out there, not always being used, the tabs are focused on because they are used a lot more. However, the view is way too small to be depended on as an identifier on which tab to click. Sleipnir knows this, and that’s why text is available when you hover your house over the tab. Of course, switching between tabs is easier than that. If you want to utilize gestures, just slide your two fingers to the right or left, the same way you go to a previous page on Safari.

Sleipnir is Univeral

During my review, I knew about the fact that Sleipnir is available on other systems. However, until I dove into and tested out the application on the iPhone did I notice just how universal and integrated Sleipnir is with your iOS and even Windows and Android devices. For example, controls you make on Sleipnir, when connected with your iPhone, allows you to make controls on your iPhone. This can be in the form of making phone calls to receiving notifications. I tested the maps integration when I went out of town for the weekend. I needed directions, but preferred to get the directions ready on my iPhone before. All I had to do was have Sleipnir send the directions to my phone, and there you go.

Sleipnir is Feature-Packed

First off, to conclude my praises for Sleipnir’s tabs features, the browser had TiledTab. This allows you to see your open tabs all in one area. You can also categorize your open tabs, allowing you to separate tabs for a trip, for research, and more. They act sort of like bookmarks in a way. Aside from tabs, social networking is integrated. This allows you to share to social networking websites and even save to iCloud. Other supported systems include Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper, Dropbox, Evernote, Google+, Flickr, and much more.

Sleipnir’s Strengths and Flaws

Sleipnir is a great browser. What wins my vote is the tabs, fair and square, the tabs is what makes the application worth downloading. The ability to focus more on tabs, allowing you to make them into categories really calls to my attention. Even now, I have four tabs open in my Safari due to the fact that I have to have WordPress open, the website open to format this article, my email open, and a tab open to refer back to for fact tracking. However, as you just read, I am currently using Safari, the browser that I have been using ever since I opened the box to my first Mac. This shows that the flaws of Sleipnir, including the awkward to learn interface, was a bit much for me to want to learn at my busy schedule. However, that’s just me. For the casual user, you may actually love Sleipnir. The tabs, the heavy iOS, Windows Phone, and Android integration, and the gorgeous design may convert you from your current browser. For that reason, I will keep Sleipnir in my dock, allowing my Mac guests to have a choice between Firefox or Sleipnir when they use my laptop. I may even find myself dropping in on Sleipnir a few times for a casual use. Overall, Sleipnir gets my vote. What are your thoughts on Sleipnir tabs? Let me know in the comments below.