Our Opinion

Alex acknowledges it’s not really a gadget, but he’s looking forward to the promised update to the Mac Pro. “I think it will speak volumes about Apple’s plans for macOS, the desktop, and their Pro customers.” He thinks it could be an exciting piece of tech. As an S8 user, Charnita is looking to the next in the line, its successor. She wants to see “its improvements and decide if it’s worth upgrading.” She’s also looking forward to mobile phones in general because of the “fast advances in technology.” She’s hoping for something “new and completely unique this year.” Ada would really like to see “affordable and efficient cryptocurrency miners,” as what is currently available is “either too expensive and short-lived or totally inefficient.”

Kenneth is looking forward to the “long-awaited first foldable smartphone from Samsung.” It’s rumored to be coming out soon, and the plans for it to be released under the Galaxy Note umbrella in 2018 were announced back in September. He can’t wait to see this new smartphone that is said to fold up like a wallet. I’m looking forward to a few different devices, from Apple of course. Mostly, I’d like to see what direction they’ll go in with the iPhone, since many view the iPhone X as not very successful. I’m wondering if they’ll try to fix it or whether they’ll abandon it altogether. I’m also curious about the HomePod. If it’s Siri-enabled, I don’t understand why I can’t do the same things with Siri on my iPhone or iPad.

Your Opinion

What are you looking forward to? What have you read about on Make Tech Easier or in the news that you think you just won’t be able to live without? A new improved smartphone or something else entirely? What gadgets are you most looking forward to in 2018? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.